personally, i feel that the characters aren't all that cute, even though i felt that there were attempts to make it look cute. i feel that the only point of time they were really cute was in 'my' memories. that was cute. the rest of it was just.. so-so.
gameplay wise, however, it rocks. totally, awesomely. yup.. and you don't need to be a multi-tasker to be able to play this game. you just need to be able to think out-of-the-box. You remember they said you could circle more than one circle each time in the tutorial? Take advantage of that.
The music is good too, even though more soundtracks would mean more fun. ;D
The plot was pretty short and not really 'fleshed out' in my opinion.. i.e. you could have added more events and situations and stuff. more depth of sorts.
creativity 9/10. i've seen games where you press arrows to the music, but i've never seen games where you gotta unlock those arrows.. nice :D
overall a really fun game. i'll be playing this for a while to come. ;D